Never Stop.
Anyone who knows me well, or maybe even those who know me just a little, is aware that I am a bit of a whirling dervish. I never stop moving. So it may seem a little crazy that when I got my diagnosis of ADHD with hyperactivity at the age of 46, I was utterly shocked. When I told Brian this crazy revelation, his face said, “And?” When I told my book club ladies about this insane mistake the psychologist made, they all just blinked at me. By the time I was having coffee with my best friend and she just smirked at me knowingly, I had to admit that maybe I was the only one thrown by this diagnosis. lol
Someone told me, gently, as they could see this information was overwhelming me, to think about all. the. stuff. I. do. Hmmm, maybe there’s something there . .. I can’t sit still in a meeting. I can’t stay in my chair for more than 30 minutes, I have to be doing something even while doing something else. Okay, okay, maybe my Dr. didn’t make an error. ha. I guess I’ll embrace my “busy busy girl” status and enjoy the fruits of my differentness. Because things like garage murals are a fun side-effect of my hyperactivity, so…there’s that. -Anna